Central Library
About the Central Library
The Central library of Assam Women’s University was established since the inception of Assam Women’s University in 2014 but it started functioning in 2015. The Assam-typed built library is housed within the present lush green premises of the University. The library started in a humble way when it began its journey in 2015, but has now grown to be a rich source of information and learning. Over the years, the library can take pride in fulfilling and continuing with its inherent mission of women’s education to the hilt. The library has been intensifying its activities and services through active participation of students and faculty members of the University.Vision
Assam Women’s University is the only Women’s University in the region of North-East India. Hence the importance of the Library stands unquestioned in the context of women’s education, learning and knowledge of this region.The vision of central library is to- Provide access to quality knowledge and information to women learners.
- Deliver information and knowledge in all formats.
- Become an inclusive space for all sections of learners to come together and interact with each other through learning.
- Enable quality interface of teaching-learning community.
- Become one of the region’s learning centers with excellence for women.

List of Open Access E-Resources
Online Resources from UGC / MHRD Portals
- SWAYAM: It is a programme initiated by Govt. of India to make the best teaching learning resources available to all Click Here
- Info Port: A Subject Gateway that promotes open access to Indian scholarly content Click Here
- NDLTD: The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption,creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) Click Here
- Vidya Mitra: is an online learning portal for all the e-content projects developed under the NME-ICT (National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology), MHRD Click Here
- Virtual Labs: This project is a consortium activity of twelve participating institutes and IIT Delhi is coordinating institute. This project is mainly designed for students and faculty members who do not have access to good lab facilities and instruments Click Here
- NDLI: National Digital Library of India is a virtual repository of learning resources Click Here
- e-PG Pathshala: it is portal with high quality, curriculum based content in different subjects Click Here
Online Catalogue / Directories (Books/Thesis/Journals)
- Ind Cat: Catalogue of books/thesis of Indian Universities Click Here
- OCLC Word Cat: Catalogue of books/thesis etc. of world libraries Click Here
- DOAB: It is a discovery service that provide access to scholarly and peer reviewed open access books as well as trusted book publisher Click Here
- DOAJ: It is an index of divers open access journal across the world Click Here
Top Global Publishers with Open Access Journals & Books
- Global Cambridge University Press Click Here
- Science Direct Open Access Contents Click Here
- Springer Open Journals Click Here
- Oxford Open Journals Click Here
- Taylor and Francis Open Access Click Here
Top Global Publishers with Open Access Journals & Books
- Global Open Thesis and Dissertations Click Here
List of Rare Books
- অনুভৱ AnuvowClick Here
- ঋতু সংহাৰ Ritu sangharClick Here
- গাভৰু পৃথিৱ Gabharu prithiwClick Here
- দ-পৰ্বতীয়াৰ ছোৱালী দুজনী do-porbatiyar sowali dujonClick Here
- দেবহূতি DevahutiClick Here
- নিংনি ভাৱৰীয়াৰ ৰহস্য ningni vaworiyar rahasyaClick Here
- পূজাৰ অৰ্ঘ্য pujar arghyaClick Here
- বিজ্ঞানীৰ চানেকিৰে bigyanir chanekireClick Here
- বেঞ্জামিন ফ্ৰেঙ্কলিন Benjamin FranklinClick Here
- ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰই আমাক ওভোতাই দিলে brommoputroi amak obhotai dileClick Here
- ভূঞা পণ্ডিত Bhuyan PanditClick Here
- মই মোক বহুদিন লগ পোৱা নাই moi mok bohudin lag powa naiClick Here
- সোণালী পৃথিৱী sunali prithiwiClick Here
- ৰাজতৰঙ্গিণীৰ গল্প Rajtaranginir golpoClick Here