Welcome to the 4th Convocation of Assam Women's University.

Guidelines for filling up the Application

  1. This is optional. You may self-register yourself on Digilocker portal for your APAAR IDs (Earlier known as ABC IDs) before filling up this form. Those who have already generated their APAAR IDs can skip this step. Click here to know more about ABC (Academic Bank of Credits).
  2. Note down the APAAR ID received from the Academic Bank of Credit portal. Candidates who have not generated their APAAR ID may self-register themselves for the same at abc.gov.in
  3. Ensure that you have a valid mobile number for sending Activation Code or OTP (One Time Password).
  4. Ensure that you have an active email id (preferably a GMail Account).
  5. Ensure that you have the following files ready to be uploaded
    1. Scanned copy of your passport size photograph (in JPG format under 400 KB.)
    2. Scanned copy of your signature (in JPG format under 20 KB.)
    3. Scanned copy of the Marksheet (in JPG format under 1 MB.)
    4. Scanned copy of the Provisional Pass Certificate of Assam Women's University. (in JPG format under 1 MB.)
    5. Scanned copy of the Registration / Migration Card (in JPG format under 1 MB.)
    6. Scanned copy of the Final Semester Marksheet / Gradesheet (in JPG format under 1 MB.)

Step by Step Instructions for Online Application

Step 1
Abide the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of this page.
Step 2
Click the Proceed button at the bottom of this page. Register by entering Your Mobile No and Your Gmail Account to directly login to the portal.
Step 3
Login using your Username and Password. Click Apply for Convocation.
Step 4
Select the Degree applied for with caution as this will not be Editable at later time. Enter the Roll no in the corresponding field. You need to enter the information correctly. Once you are sure that the information displayed / entered is correct, click the Next button. Please note that once confirmed you will not be able to change these basic information.
Step 5
Fill up the empty fields and click "Save and Continue". Upload the required documents in Stage 2.
Step 6
Review the form in Stage 3. Check the information, documents, photograph and signature whether they are correctly entered and displayed. If anything needs to be edited, you can do so by going back to the relevant stage either through the Back button or by clicking the corresponding button for that stage. However, please keep in mind that the basic information that you have already confirmed in the initial stage cannot be edited.
Step 7
Check all the declarations and click the Proceed to Pay button after you have reviewed your form.
Step 8
Download and print the submitted Application Form from the Dashboard for future references.

Technical Helpline (For Technical support you may contact on the following number or email.)

Refund and Cancellation Policy

Application Fee once paid will not be refunded. There is no provision for cancelling submitted application and as such no request for cancellation will be entertained in any case.

Terms and Conditions